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Cyber Liability


Sensitive customer data applies to individuals and businesses, alike. Whether logging into social media in the airport or running a customer's credit card at the local cafè, you are at risk of exposing yourself or others. We are all faced with the same challenge; how to stay connected while protecting against data breaches.


Northwoods Insurance Agency can assist you in first party and third party cyber liability coverages for individuals and businesses. This ensures you, your livelihood, your employees, and your clients are covered. From data loss expenses and fraudulent impersonation to unauthorized use of a trade name, we help you identify your risks and assist with proper coverages. 


Identity Fraud


Similar to cyber liability, identity fraud occurs when someones personal data has been wrongfully obtained and subsequently used for economic gain. Identity fraud is an ongoing threat as electronics and smart homes, cars, and other devices are weaved into our everyday lives. Staying connected certainly has its benefits, but as with most things, comes with risk.


Once your identity has been compromised, the time, effort and money spent restoring your good name can be overwhelming. We offer identity fraud coverages that assist you in protecting and recovering your identity including associated costs. 


Contact the professionals at Northwoods for additional information or a complimentary review, comparison, or quote.

Image by Markus Spiske
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